Our mission is to provide all the aspirants an easy access in to the knowledge where everybody is included and nobody in anyway can be excluded. It has been observed that many of the genuine and bonafied candidates have been unable to receive Yoga training because of excessively high prices for the course at different yoga schools. We want to span our reach to all these financial debarred people to reach us for the training. We are also aiming to facilitate these trainings of yoga to the maximum number of people. Our courses are combination of different branch of yoga along with their several disciplines. The combination of all these various discipline will be imparted to the participants so that we are able to create a band of confident, knowledgeable and self reliant yoga teachers.
Our prime objective is to create the motivation among our participant to teach Yoga with the spirit of SEVA (selfless service). ABOUT
Our prime objective is to create the motivation among our participant to teach Yoga with the spirit of SEVA (selfless service). ABOUT